Saturday, November 24, 2007

Day 124 - Saturday November 24

Kathryn is up to 3 pounds 13 ounces - almost an full three pounds since birth. She is doing very well, but seems to be hanging on to the oxygen and the cannula. She is taking 35 ccs of feed and she may go to ad lib tomorrow which means that she would get to eat as much as she wants - at least 35 though. She always seems to still be hungry at the end of a feed so that is wonderful to be able to give her more!! Here are some new pictures of family holding her now that she is in the open air crib.
Kathryn and Pawpaw!!Nini, Pawpaw and Kathryn!

Maddie holding Kathryn!
Maddie loves when I make the picture "black and white."
4 generations of women in one family - this doesn't happen very often!! My grandmother is 88, then my mom, then me, and then my two girls!!
Grandad and Kathryn! (We didn't get the camera out until Grandad was holding - we'll have to get a picture of Grammie next time.)
Kathryn's closeup!! (She was wide awake!!)
Kat and mommie!! I love my girls!
Please pray for Kathryn!!

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