Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tuesday 6:11 am

Kathryn was stable last night and even improved a little. Her ventilator settings were up to 100% oxygen yesterday for most of the day and she wasn't responding. We got a call yesterday around 4:45 pm that the doctors needed to talk to us. Basically, with her oxygen at 100% and the vents breathing for her, she wasn't responding very well and her oxygen saturation was staying in the range of 45 - 70. I think that they were concerned that her lungs could be failing. They started her on steroids last night around 6 pm to help her recover from this and she will get them every 6 hours until she is better. She is also on a pain medication and a medication that relaxes her to a point that she does not move at all. This is so that she doesn't fidget and fight the ventilators and she can calm down enough to let them work for her until she is much more stable. Last night she stayed in the range of 90 for oxygen saturation which is much better and they were able to ween some of the jet ventilator settings. She is still up on her conventional ventilator settings and her oxygen is still at 100%. She is also finally having good urine output too.

We stayed at the hospital with her last night in the parenting room and will go back this morning at 10:00 when they open. The doctors don't know if there is an infection yet, the cultures for that will show best by Wednesday or Thursday. If there is one, this could have all been related, but there is no way to know. Chest xrays are improving, but still a little cloudy.

Dr. Dicarlo was not sure if she would recover from this when we got there last night. He told us that she may not make it through the night if they could not get her to respond to the vents, the oxygen, and the steroids. He seems to be pleased with the improvements she made last night, and we are certainly relieved, but she is not out of the woods yet. Greg and I will be at the hospital today and if she has a better day today, we will return to work tomorrow.

Please pray for Kathryn.



Kate said...

We will all continue with vigilant prayer!

Angie Redmond said...

We're pulling for you, Kathryn!

Avery Tales said...

I am so happy to hear that Kathryn is improving. Ben and I have been praying for all of you incessantly since last night and we will continue to lift you up. Keep holding your faith close to your heart, He will get you guys through this!

Kristi said...

We continue to pray for Kathryn to improve and Kelly, Greg, and Maddie to be strong together.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17

Kristi, Richard, and Jackson Taylor from Kelly and Greg's RUMC Disciple Class and DINKS Sunday School Class

Reese Elizabeth Collier said...

We are praying for you unceasingly, Baby Kathryn!! We pray that God's hands will heal you and help you to get stronger each day.
- Jason, Michelle & Reese (Michelle & Kelly were sorority sisters at Auburn.)

Natalie said...

I am continuing to lift Kathryn up in prayer! She is on my heart all the time!! And also the rest of the Ellis'!!! Thank you for doing such a great job keeping everyone up to date with your blog!
May you all feel surrounded in His sweet love for you during this difficult time!
Natalie Horne

Natalie said...

Natalie Horne- Former Dinks Class President. I handed the reigns over to your Daddy on Sunday!!! You should be so proud that your Daddy is the official Dinks Class President now!!! Boy does he have a hard job!!! hahahaha

Michelle said...

Sweet baby Kathryn, you are in our prayers all the time. Continue to fight hard.

Michelle & Dustin
Members of RUMC DINKS

gina said...

Hello sweet baby Kathryn! I teach your parents in Sunday School sometimes and I am crazy about them. you are so beautiful and so loved and lifted in prayer. I can't wait til you are at church and we are all kissing all over that sweet little face! much love and prayer and great thoughts for all of you - Gina Horn